Why Affiliate Marketing Are Best For Beginners In Tamil | Google Adsense

Thiyagarajan Angannachari
5 min readDec 14, 2023


Affiliate Marketing — A great future for newbies

Here is an example of making money with marketing technology for beginners.

You may all hear this new, buzzword name ‘Affiliate Marketing‘.

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a type of descriptive content where companies make money by selling products through affiliate endorsements. That means if someone buys products through affiliate links, you get a commission.

Affiliate Marketing — Why It’s Best For Beginners? Now let’s see the explanation

Although there are many ways for us to earn money online, affiliate marketing is best suited for beginners. Do you know why? There are many reasons for this, some of the main examples are:

No Investment Required:

You don’t need to buy or store any materials for this profession. All you have to do is promote other people’s products in a way that is useful to the right users and get a commission when they buy.
Get started easily:
You can create your own website, Google blog, YouTube channel, or social media account and share the affiliate links provided to you.
You don’t have to sell anything:
You don’t have to sell products directly. All you have to do is to tell the good things about them and encourage the customers to buy them.
Flexible working:
You can work whenever and wherever you want. It helps you manage your time and balance your lifestyle.
Learn the skills to:
With affiliate marketing, you can learn a variety of skills like digital marketing, content creation, and social media management. These will be useful for you in the future.
Some Tamil Tags to Improve Your Affiliate Marketing:

Online Income
You can earn money through the website
Make money with YouTube
You can earn money through social networking sites
Affiliate Marketing
Digital Marketing
Content creation
Google Adsense
Amazon link
Flipkart Link
Using these tags, you can create content on your website, YouTube channel, or social media accounts to reach your target audience.

Even if you are a beginner, you can make money online with affiliate marketing. So, start today and achieve your success!

Affiliate Marketing — Why It’s Great For Newbies?

Low Risk: You don’t need to buy or store any products, just introduce the products to the customers and dig for them to buy
High Profits: Some affiliate programs offer very high commission rates.
Flexible working: You can work whenever, wherever, whenever you want.
Learn the skills to:
Learn fast-growing skills like digital marketing, content creation, and social media management.

How is affiliate marketing the best?
Affiliate marketing offers good experiences for newbies.

No need to pay to join. If they use this technique successfully, they will win.

Now the fast-growing AI technology is very helpful for new entrants

How Affiliate Marketing Benefits Newbies?
Affiliate Marketing will guide you in a revolutionary way to earn money from home without any investment.

You can boost your website and it helps companies in general.

Why Affiliate Marketing Is Best For Newbies?
It has a good stabilization exercise for beginners.

With the light of affiliate marketing, you can develop your interests.

Why Affiliate Marketing Are Best For Beginners In Tamil | Affiliate Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions (Questions and Answers):

1. Why Affiliate Marketing is Great for Newbies?

There are two main reasons why affiliate marketing is great for beginners. One, it gives you good matches easily. Second, you can embed your policies and earn extra money.

2. How do I know if affiliate marketing is worth it? Here is the answer

Start exploring this fast-growing technology to help connect marketing to many new people. Finally, send suggestions to show better behaviors and accept them.

3. How to use AI technology for affiliate marketing to help new startups?

AI technology can be a very powerful tool for affiliate marketing, especially for beginners.

Here are some ways to increase your efforts:

AI Writing Tools:
Create content ideas for affiliate marketing, outlines, product descriptions, or blog posts with full descriptions around your chosen affiliate products using AI writers like Jasper, RightSonic, or Copy.ai. However, edit and personalize the publication for authenticity and strictly avoid plagiarism.

SEO Optimization:
Tools like Phrase and Surfer analyze your content and recommend keywords to improve search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your affiliate links.

Social Media Engagement:
Schedule AI-powered popular social media posts with tools like SocialBee or Hootsuite.

Use AI to create user-engaging headlines and automatically respond to comments, saving you time and increasing engagement in the marketing industry.
Audience Targeting and Conversion:

Chatbots: Implement AI chatbots on your website or social media to answer basic questions, qualify, and provide personalized recommendations, including your company’s ancillary products.
Personalized Email Marketing:
Tools like ActiveCampaign or ConvertKit use AI to segment your audience and send targeted email campaigns that promote specific affiliate products based on their interests and purchase history.
Dynamic ad creation: Services like AdCreative.ai create heavily customized ad variations for display and social media platforms, targeting the right audience with highly relevant messages and relevant links.
Campaign Performance Optimization:

Analysis and reporting tools:
Thoroughly analyze your marketing campaigns with powerful AI-powered platforms like ClickUp or Scaleo.

They track changes, periodically identify high-performing channels and traffic sources, and recommend areas for improvement.
A/B testing and customization:
Use AI to run A/B tests on different popular website layouts, email subject lines, or ad copy to find the most effective elements for promoting the affiliate products you’re hoping to sell.
Getting started as a beginner:

Focus on one area:
Importantly don’t try to implement all AI tools at once.

Start slowly with one area, such as content creation or campaign optimization, and experiment before moving on.
Free trials and budget-friendly options:

Many AI tools offer users free trials or cheap programs for beginners.
Research and compare options before committing to paid subscriptions.

Learn and adapt some: AI is constantly evolving, so stay up-to-date on new tools and features. Experiment frequently, analyze the results, and adjust your strategies as needed to maximize your returns.
Remember, AI is a valuable tool, but it is not a magic bullet.

So combine it properly with your initiative, creativity, and understanding of your target audience for optimal results in your affiliate marketing journey.

I hope this is a good starting point for you!

If you have any specific questions about using AI for affiliate marketing, feel free to ask and get answered right away



Thiyagarajan Angannachari

I am a Textile engineer , having 30 years experience, blog writing, Active in social media platform, Affiliate marketing through my website, you tuber coach,